Created: 2-4-23
Updated: 2-4-23
How to create Address books in Exchange.
To get started some needed facts:
- Address List = South America Offices, AllUsers, Family Contacts
- Global Address List = G15IT_GAL
- Room List = RMAL1
- Offline Address Book = OAB_AllUsers
- Address Book Policy = G15IT_AllUsers_ABP
This task can be done in many ways, but this is a way to do it via Powershell:
Steps to create an address list
To create an address list that includes all users who work in South American offices in Japan and India, you would run the following command:
New-AddressList -Name “South America Offices” -IncludedRecipients MailboxUsers -ConditionalStateorProvince “Argentina”,“Columbia”
Once you create the address list, you can verify that it was created by using the following command:
Get-AddressList -Identity “South America Offices” | Format-List Name,RecipientFilterType,RecipientFilter,IncludedRecipients,Conditional*
If you want to verify membership in the address list you created, you would run the following commands:
$AL = Get-AddressList -Identity “South America Offices”
To modify the address list, you can use @{Add=Value} or Remove={Value} syntax. For example:
Set-AddressList -Identity “South America Offices” -ConditionalStateOrProvince @{Add=”Brazil”}
To remove the “South America Offices” address list, you would run the following command:
Remove-AddressList -Identity “South America Offices”
Steps to do after you’ve updated and finished your changes to an address list
After creating or modifying the GAL, you must start the GAL update process. For example:
Update-GlobalAddressList -Identity “G15IT_GAL”
To update the address list named “South America Offices”, you would run the following command:
Update-AddressList -Identity “South America Offices”
Steps to enable address book policies
Turn on ABP routing using the following command:
Set-TransportConfig -AddressBookPolicyRoutingEnabled $true
Create an Address Book Policy. For example:
New-AddressBookPolicy -Name “G15IT_AllUsers_ABP” -AddressLists “\South America Offices”,”\AllUsers “,”\Family Contacts” -OfflineAddressBook “\OAB_AllUsers” -GlobalAddressList “\G15IT_GAL” -RoomList “\RMAL1”
Assign an ABP to a mailbox user. For example, to assign an ABP “G15IT_AllUsers_ABP” to [email protected], you would run the following command:
Set-Mailbox -Identity [email protected] -AddressBookPolicy “G15IT_AllUsers_ABP“
Steps to create an Offline Address Book
Create or remove an OAB. To create a custom Offline Address Book (OAB) named “OAB_AllUsers” that contains the “AllUsers” address list, you would run the following command:
New-OfflineAddressBook -Name “OAB_AllUsers” -AddressLists “AllUsers”
To remove a custom OAB named “OAB_AllUsers”, use the following command:
Remove-OfflineAddressBook -Identity “OAB_AllUsers”
Add or remove an address list to an OAB. For example, if an OAB named “OAB_AllUsers” already contains the address list “AllUsers” and you want to add an address list titled “Family Contacts”, you would run the following command:
Set-OfflineAddressBook -Identity “OAB_AllUsers” -Address Lists “AllUsers,”Family Contacts”
Change the default OAB. Large organizations can often have large default OABs. When this situation occurs, an organization may need to create a new OAB and configure it as a default. For example, to configure “OAB_AllUsers” as a default OAB in an organization, you would run the following command:
Set-OfflineAddressBook -Identity “OAB_AllUsers” -IsDefault $true
Assign OABs to users. Once you customize your OABs, you must assign them to users according to your organization’s requirements. You can assign a custom OAB per mailbox or per address book policy. For example, to assign “OAB_AllUsers” to the mailbox “[email protected]”, you would run the following command:
Set-Mailbox -Identity [email protected] -OfflineAddressBook “OAB_AllUsers”
Assign ABP to users. To assign the “G15IT_AllUsers_ABP” address book policy to the mailbox “[email protected]”, you would run the following command:
Set-Mailbox -Identity [email protected] -AddressBookPolicy “G15IT_AllUsers_ABP“
Note: useful Exchange 2019 Powershell commands list