Created: 3/27/19
Updated: 11/26/19
A useful command when you want to activate a Windows installation is to use this command in a elevated command prompt:
- To install a KMS key, type slmgr.vbs /ipk <KmsKey>
- To activate online, type slmgr.vbs /ato.
- To displayed detailed licensing info, type: slmgr.vbs /dlv
- Useful alternative option: dism /online /Set-Edition:Server[Standard, Datacenter, StandardCor, DatacenterCor] /ProductKey: <AVMA Key> /AcceptEula
:AVMA Key:
::Server 2016::
Standard: C3RCX-M6NRP-6CXC9-TW2F2-4RHYD
That’s it. 🙂