
So today, had to do some Replication troubleshooting and had to really dig into repadmin to really get shit diagnosed and figure things out. So below is some useful command that were used and with some descriptions I hope will help explain their use-case.

repadmin /syncall /AdeP = forces a sync of AD to all Domain Controllers

/A – All; synchronizes all directory partitions that are held on the home server.
/d – Identifies servers by their distinguished names in messages.
/e – Enterprise; includes partners in all sites.
/P – Pushes changes outward from the home server.

repadmin /showrepl /repsto = shows the status of replication; this command displays the replication partners for each naming context that is held on the specified DC. This enables you to build a picture of the replication topology.

repadmin /kcc = show the status of kerberos authentication consistency.

repadmin /showreps

repadmin /replicate

repadmin /queue = This command run against a particular DC determines if its replication queue has any entries. If it has it may indicated it is overloaded.

repadmin /replsummary = This is a great command it gives you a snapshot of the state of your active directory replication and how long it is since a partition has replicated.

netdom query fsmo = This is a nice quick command to display which server(s) currently hold the Forest and Domain Wide FSMO roles.

Useful commands also for when you just want to check/repair if the system files on the Domain controllers are working fine you can run these.

1. Type “cmd” in run or search bar, right lick on it and “run as administrator”

2.Type “sfc /scannow”

3. or dism.exe

I hope this helps some people troubleshoot things as I’ll reference this in the future for myself.. 😀